Transition Year in Chanel College is an academic, social and very fulfilling experience.
Combining preparation for Leaving Cert alongside the working world, students embark on a year long adventure.
All you need to join us in Transition Year is a good attitude, a willingness to try all kinds of games and activities, some energy and lots of team spirit.
Students in Transition Year:
Sample all Leaving Certificate subjects to make informed choices for 5th Year.
Enjoy additional taster modules relevant to Leaving Cert Courses, such as Film Studies, Debating, Gaelic Studies, Classical Studies and more.
Get involved in the community through charity work, outreach programmes and linking with local businesses
Experience working a real job every week for the year
Let their stars shine in our annual TY Musical
Stay active with sports, health and fitness
Take part in all kinds of games, trips and activities throughout the year
Have the opportunity to access additional areas of study that might interest them individually

The highlight of Transition Year is undoubtedly the TY Musical and in 2024 we were delighted to run a hugely successful High School Musical with St Mary's Holy Faith, Killester.
At the end of Transition Year, we run a TY Graduation and awards ceremony to recognise our remarkable TY students and all their fantastic achievements through out the year.