Inclusivity week was born out of the desire to show that no matter what your ability or disability, your skin colour, your religion, your ethnic background or your sexuality, you have a place in Chanel College. You belong in the Chanel Community.
The objective of the week was to raise awareness and educate students and staff alike, so that we can understand and support each other better and break down any barriers and prejudices that may exist.
Each day was dedicated to a different theme with a whole host of activities organised around it.
Monday's theme was LGBTQ+. Past pupil, Karl Coffey, came in to talk to all 1st Years about his experience as a gay student in Chanel, education around language and how students could support friends struggling with their sexuality.
Tuesday we recognised and celebrated the many different countries and cultures represented amongst our Chanel community. Students brought in delicious dishes that represented their cultural heritage from all over the world. We had an absolute feast and great fun sharing and learning about each other's culture together.
A special thanks to all the families who prepared and brought in the delicious food.
Wednesday was all about 'Ability and Disability'. Past pupil, David Corbett, came in to speak to 2nd and 3rd Years about overcoming 'perceived' weaknesses, his experience with learning difficulties and how he is now training to be an English teacher in spite of all of those challenges.
We also had the inspirational Robert and guide Dog Edgar in to speak to the 5th Years. Robert gave an extremely powerful and emotional talk on the amazing things that he has achieved, which really moved everyone in the room.
Everyday there was a quiz based on the theme of the day, with QR codes pinned up around the school to make it easily accessible to everyone.
Thursday's focus was on Religion. Past pupil Walaa came in to share his experience of growing up as a Muslim in Ireland and Fr. Cormac talked about his experience as a Priest.
We also had all of the 1st Year form classes go head-to-head in a table quiz on Islam. Lucky 1.1 came out on top to win themselves a pizza party!
This rounded off an inspiring, educational and heart warming week. Well done to Ms Harding and Ms Mahady for the trojan work involved.
All that remains is to ask could #chanelcollegeinclusivity become an annual event. 😍