We understand that the transition from primary to secondary school can be a daunting and challenging one for many students.
That is why, here at Chanel we have a very strong Prefects Programme in place. This year we were particularly lucky with a fantastic team of prefects. See for yourselves the difference their prefects made, in these testimonials from some of our 1st years. Or read the article below: The Role of a Prefect, by Ross Carolan.
Our message to the 1st year class of 2023/24 - Don't worry, your 5th Year Prefects will be here to help you.
A huge thank you to all the 5th Year prefects this year, but a special thank you to Ross, Aaron and Colin who were the script writers, producers, directors and effectively made this whole feature possible. And of course, thank you to all the 1st years who engaged and Liam B, Liam N, Cian, Tony, P.J. and Patryk in particular who spoke so eloquently.
The Role of a Prefect by Ross Carolan
I always had an interest in helping people. Being a prefect would be the perfect opportunity to ensure that those who needed help adjusting and integrating themselves into Chanel College could do so more easily with the service of us prefects.
Personally, I think the most crucial role of being a prefect is both making sure that each 1st Year is aware of their amazing potential, as well as ensuring that they enjoy each and every day of school. Whether this be through regular chats about their mental well-being, or simply just giving them a treat in recognition of outstanding work.
On a day-to-day basis, I visit their lockers and ensure that each 1st Year knows exactly what classes they have next and whereabouts the classroom is. Whilst at their lockers, I try to talk to them, not as an intimidating older student, but as someone who genuinely cares about how they’re doing. I visit their form class every day and while there, I try to get a better understanding of their interests and likes.
At times, some prefects visit them at lunchtime just to check in and see how their day is going.
Primarily I work with my assigned form class of around 24 1st Years, but, if I can, I try to chat with 1st Years from other form classes, too.
My relationship with the 1st years has majorly developed over the past school year. Whereas at the beginning of the year, conversations were mainly about lockers, classes, and other timetable-related issues, now our conversations are much more meaningful. It is always great to catch up with each 1st year every day. A day never goes by where they don’t make you smile or laugh - they are all an amazing bunch of students!
Without a shadow of a doubt, the current 1st Years really appreciate the work that we do as prefects. They regularly thank us and comment on our work. At the end of the year, 1.2 - my 1st Year form class - along with their Form Teacher and their SNA gifted me an amazing, unforgettable present.
I couldn’t dream of anything more beneficial and rewarding for teenagers of our age than regularly engaging, helping, and comforting the youngest people in our school. It always makes my day brighter to see the 1st years consistently developing into exceptionally talented students.
I just want to say that these 1st years are an absolutely outstanding bunch of students and that each and every one of them has the potential to become whatever they set their minds to be. What a fantastic year these 1st Years have had. Well done for not only completing their first year in secondary school but also absolutely smashing it out of the park! Keep in touch throughout the upcoming year and I wish you all the very best of luck in any future endeavours. Also, a special thanks to my form class, 1.2, you have been the most responsible, sensible, and down-to-earth bunch of guys.
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