Chanel College is a Catholic secondary school under the Trusteeship of the Marist Fathers.
The Marist Fathers are part of a wider Marist family of Brothers, Fathers, Laity and Sisters, also known as the Society of Mary, founded in France in 1836 by Jean Claude Colin.
The Marist order has a long history in education. From the very beginning Fr. Colin regarded the education of the young as “entrusted by providence to the Society of Mary”. The early Marists were committed to education and missionary work, with a particularly strong presence in Oceania. Two centuries later there are Marists schools all over the world. In Ireland, as well as Chanel College, there are Marist schools at St. Mary’s College, Dundalk and Catholic University School, Lower Leeson Street, Dublin.
The original vision of Fr. Colin focused on the importance of educating young people as Christian Citizens and the value of every young person as a unique individual. 
Chanel College is proud to be part of this strong network of schools promoting these core Marist values.
A Marist school seeks to help each student become his best self

Jean Claude Colin (1790-1875), founder of the Society of Mary (Marist Fathers), set a clear and compelling vision for the contribution that Marist schools can offer society. That vision focused on the central importance of educating young people as Christian citizens and the value of every young person as a unique individual. The values of a Marist education: high academic standards - responsible citizens - Christian values have been at the core of Marist education in Ireland since the foundation of St. Mary’s College, Dundalk in 1861, Catholic University School Dublin in 1867, and Chanel College, Dublin in 1955.
How Marists deliver that mission has adapted over the years as education philosophy has changed and evolved. Up to the 1960’s, it was primarily the work of the Marist Fathers who taught in and managed the schools. Over recent decades this has changed, and today, these schools are increasingly places of partnership between lay staff, pupils, parents and the Marist Fathers
“As religious congregations diminish in numbers we have all been challenged to confront questions about the future of our mission. The Marist Fathers have been fully involved in this process. Because we value our Marist charism and long tradition in education we have chosen to continue our involvement in this ministry but in a new and what we hope is a sustainable way. The Marist Education Authority (MEA) is the result of our deliberations and is our way of sustaining and continuing our education mission into the future”. (Marist Education Authority: Roles, Responsibilities and Authority booklet 2011)
Marist Education Authority
The Marist Education Authority (MEA) is a trust body set up by the Marist Fathers to oversee the operation and management, including Faith Leadership and Governance, of four schools in the Republic of Ireland. These schools are:
St Mary’s College, Dundalk - a coeducational secondary school.
Chanel College, Dublin - a single-sex boys’ secondary school.
Catholic University School Primary - a fee paying, coeducational primary school.
Catholic University School Post Primary - a single-sex, fee paying boys’ secondary school.
Role of the MEA
The role of the MEA is to ensure the vitality of the founding intention: that each school be Catholic and Marist in nature and practice. This is concretely expressed in the enabling conditions, specifying how each school, within its own particular context will provide a Catholic Education in accordance with the Marist ethos. The Regional Superior is the Patron/Trustee of the four schools, and the MEA acts on his behalf with delegated authority.
The core functions will be to:
Work in collaboration with Boards of Management on behalf of the patron.
Develop ethos policies and enabling conditions in collaboration with the Boards of Management and staff members of each of the schools.
Approve key policies submitted by Boards of Management relating to enrolment/admission policies and codes of behaviour as required by legislation.
Put forward strategies for the implementation of such policies.
Propose seminars, staff gatherings, and other educational and social initiatives etc.
Work in close collaboration with the school principals and Boards of Management.
Support any initiative that will ground and deepen the spiritual leadership of the school.
MEA Education Director: Mr. Diarmaid O’Murchú
Education, Curriculum and School Planning & Improvement Consultant: Mrs.Mary Forde
The members of the Marist Education Authority are:
Mr. Niall McVeigh Mr. Tommy Flynn Mr. Seán McCann
Fr. Cormac McNamara Fr. David Corrigan Fr. Edwin McCallion
The Board of Directors are:
Fr. John Hannon (Chairperson) Ms. Antoinette Nic Gearailt
Ms. Frances Neary Ms.Catherine Kirk Mr. Robert Dunne
Mr. Gerry Lambe Mr. Brian Dooney Mr. Ken Byrne
For more information, see maristeducationauthority.ie